22 National Park Road, Nambour, Qld, 4560
07 5441 2833

The History of our Church


The Nambour Church of Christ, began on Sunday 21st January, 1945 in the home of Mr EJ Kingston, of Palmwoods, with approximately 10 people. “Breaking of bread and worship services commenced by a number of isolated brethren (brothers and sisters) of Churches of Christ in the Woombye, Nambour, and Palmwoods area.  A.J. Fisher of the Gympie Church of Christ was responsible for initial moves that a cause proclaiming New Testament Christianity was initiated.”  Various members in the Nambour, Woombye and Palmwoods areas made their homes available until the congregation was of such a size it was necessary for services to be held in the Palmwoods School of Arts.


It was felt that Nambour was the real centre and in approximately 1948 the meetings were therefore transferred to various halls in Nambour. Over the years, the church leadership and members have taken many steps of faith, including appointing staff, buying land, and moving location, constructing new buildings, pioneering initiatives in discipleship, children’s ministry, youth ministry, Christian education and mission.   The Nambour Church of Christ has owned property and met for worship and ministry at Coronation Drive; 27-31 National Park Road; 34 National Park Road, and since September 2000, gathers at 22 National Park road – known as Sanctuary Park church of Christ.  The church has been served by several ministers, and has been blessed with godly elders, many people coming to faith, using their gifts in ministry and mission, growing through discipleship and spiritual growth groups and has sent people to Bible College and supported local and overseas mission.

Timeline of Ministers

Year                Pastors                      Assistant Pastors

1958                Mr. Vanham

1959                Graham Gibson

1960                Mr. Todd

1961                Dennis Usher

1962                Mr. Gaunson

1963                Ross McLean               Geoff Hopson

1973                Alan Leane                  1978 Faye Turnbull;       1980 Roy Dixon;

1981                Reg Charles;                1985 Stephen England

1989                Bruce Roberts

1991                Tony Gibson

1992                Bob Hobson

1993                Orrell Battersby           Doug Fitzpatrick; Stuart White

2006                Eldership

2007                Norm Flett

2009                Tim McMenamin        2013  Rob Wolsley

2014                Barry Tramacchi         2017 Vaughan Cameron

2020                Steve Nixon